Our Company

How It Started

Siamo was formed the same way so many collaborations begin: over a series of happy hours. The founders bonded at bars and restaurants over similar backgrounds in consulting, an innate drive to see life and work improve for humans, and a strong desire to avoid rush-hour traffic.

Realizing that leadership is a catalyst that can either make or break an organization, Siamo infuses humanity in the workplace and provides leaders with the tools to uplift cultures so companies and employees can thrive.

Through a unique human-centric coaching approach, Siamo facilitates transformation for organizations, teams, and individuals looking to play full out and find satisfaction in work and life.

Our Purpose

Humans possess many superpowers – we can communicate through written and spoken word, collaborate to accomplish unimaginable feats, tackle enormous challenges, reflect on our own thoughts and emotions, build collective prosperity, and seek purpose in the bigger picture of the world. Unfortunately, these gifts are often locked away by toxic work cultures, demanding schedules, endless societal pressures, and dozens of ingenious ways humans have developed to defy our core nature. Siamo aims to unleash the genius of humanity and allow people to experience authenticity in all aspects of their lives – especially work. If we align our work with our values and purpose, we can live powerfully.

Siamo exists to create opportunities for people and organizations to do just that.

Our Core Values

Every person has incredible potential wrapped into their unique experience and perspective. We can only access this potentyial by creating the space to let it out. This means fostering psychological safety and providing curious, non-judgmental space.

We Create Space

Humans are complex – and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We commit to curiously understanding ourselves and others without judgment. When we know more about others, we learn about ourselves and build well-rounded ideas in the process.

We Learn

We aim to over-communicate. We aim to over-communicate twice. We create the best solutions through transparency. We have the hard conversations and explicitly share our gratitude for it. We always aim to talk about it before it gets weird.

We Talk It Out

We are not interested in perfect, we are interested in better. We continually seek to support, empower, and improve ourselves and those around us. Together we are more than the sum of our parts. We know that living for the journey is the path to the best rewards.

We Uplift

Our Culture Manifesto

  • We live for authenticity and strive to hold space for all to be themselves

  • We know β€œWE” is exponentially more powerful than β€œME”

  • We lean into hard conversations

  • We play with an abundance mindset - we share, support, and lift each other

  • We laugh, we grow, we serve, and we laugh

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver people-centric solutions to harness human nature and foster a more authentic life and connected world.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where people can exist as their true selves.

Our podcast is for people that want to get the most out of being human. We deliver conversations with people-centric experts to explore the hidden sides of humanity and unlock our full potential.

What’s New on Uncover The Human